HASS Mahanarayana Taila/ Oil is a medicated Ayurvedic oil, very effective in cases of arthritic disorders, mainly osteoarthritis. It provides strength to the bones and muscles, enables joint flexibility, reduces inflammation of the joints and also gives relief from knee pain. It pacifies vata and pitta dosha and is widely recommended for use in many vata related disorders related to nerves, muscles, joints and bones. Bilva possess pain relieving property and hence beneficial in joint and muscle pain. Helps alleviate pain and inflammation in arthritis and related cases. Beneficial in relieving nerve related problems like facial paralysis, tremors and spondylosis. Helps relieve pain in Osteoarthritis and also beneficial for knee pain. Mahanarayana thailam is a blend of nourishing herbs and helps improve muscle wasting. The ingredients helps relieve vata-pitta related disorders. An ayurvedic massage oil that makes nerve, muscle, and bones stronger. Beneficial in rheumatic pains, paralysis, hand and leg tremors & numbness, backache, neck stiffness, lock jaw, joint pains, etc.
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